Monday, January 30, 2012

Vulnerability: friend or foe?

A colleague shared this link with our staff after we spent last Friday morning discussing virtuosity and vulnerability. I received it this morning when I logged on to my computer. As is typical for my Mondays, the loose, relaxed feeling of the weekend sheds itself about 30 minutes into my work day. I saw the link to the video in my inbox and the note that it is about 16 minutes long and immediately determined I did not have 16 minutes to watch this--too much work to be done! Then, I reconsidered my hasty decision and forced myself to focus and really LISTEN to Brene Brown. It was the best 16 minutes of my day.

And yes, you DO have 16 minutes to watch this.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You know you have spent too much time at your desk when... haven't posted on your blog in ages! I've got several ideas brewing, but in the meantime, I'd like to pass on the blog site of a colleague I highly respect. Not only does she motivate me to get blogging, she has so much to share about her passion for helping children learn to read and write!